I have become a polygamist
Recently, Susie of the blog Knitting Knoobie asked the question: are you monogamous ? Once upon a time I was monogamous. I worked on one knitting project at a time. As a project got close to the finishing point, I would get the itch to start another, and begin my research, lining up pattern and yarn. I might even cast on, and knit a few rows. The new project, however, would then be pushed aside, not to be touched until I had completed the knitting in progress. As my stash of both patterns and yarn has become lusher and more full of possibility, I no longer keep to this virtuous and efficient pattern. I have become a knitting multi-tasker. Actually, Susie’s characterization of monogamous v. polygamous is more accurate, because no matter how many projects you have going, you can only actively knit on one at a time. I spent most of 2010 with 3 projects on the needles. Currently I have 4 active projects: socks for myself. The pattern is Cookie A’s pattern Wedge , and the yarn is a fine, ha...