What January Means to Me

I feel like I am already deep into January.

This is my most challenging month of the year. January is a perfect storm of business and personal financial deadlines. This year, it is complicated by our workplace becoming a VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) site. I have taken on the responsibility of Site Coordinator, and have additional duties to shoehorn in over the next few weeks as a result.

My business tasks over the next few weeks:
  • Close the 2007 books.
  • Prepare and mail 1099's. Fortunately I don't have to do W-2's. Oops - I haven't even ordered the forms yet! [I just created an event on my Palm Pilot that will beep incessantly tomorrow morning to remind me to do this.]
  • Review the tentative 2008 budget and modify it where necessary.
  • Prepare a long list of financial resolutions for the organizational board meeting.
  • Put a brand-new line of credit in place with a local bank. I have to start working on this one ASAP.
  • Get the tax-prep software up and configured on my computer and the computers of the other staff people who will be working in the VITA program. In one case, I have to install the software on the Windows side of a MacBook. I've never done this... fortunately my daughter is coming home for a day in a couple of weeks, and she can help me if I crash and burn.
  • Pass the VITA certification courses. I passed Basic tonight - with a score of 100%. I need to take the Intermediate, Advanced and Military tests if at all possible, though. Someone at our site needs to have more advanced training, and I'm the one.
  • Get new bank signature authorization cards from four banks if officers are going to change. Of all the things I have to do as part of my job, I probably loathe bank signature authorizations the most.
  • Reconcile everything.
  • Do all the routine work that has to be done every month - paying the bills and billing grantors.
On the personal side, I have to get our taxes well under way as soon as possible, as we have an estimated tax payment coming up, plus the dreaded FAFSA forms - one each for me and Ana. I have a 1099 to issue for my husband's business, as well. And a brand new grad course starts up tomorrow.

I know that I am forgetting something here.

I got January off to a good start when I returned to work. When I opened the accounting software I use, I got a new message that there was no accounting year yet for 2008. I went to Periodic Processing and clicked on Create New Year. And watched a journal entry being created. Uh oh - I had just closed the books for 2007. I made a phone call, and was able to get the books restored from the back-up. A rather humbling f*ck-up for the first day of the work year for me... thank goodness there was no harm done in the end.

I'm off to get my beauty sleep. Here's hoping that I can approach January with a clear mind and with as much calmness as I can muster. I can do all this, and even squeeze in some knitting, but I will have to stay focused.


Please support the EGFR Resisters Research Fund!

To help improve outcomes for people like me with EGFR mutated lung cancer, please donate to the EGFR Resisters' Research Fund. All donations are tax deductible and are in a restricted fund with the Bonnie Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, a four-star rated charity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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