Post from Lung Cancer Support Site on HealthUnlocked: Setting Goals

Wherein I ruminate about what kinds of goals are useful to someone who is dealing with serious illness. Can we get away from the "shoulds" and create new goals that are meaningful to us? What gets in our way?

Setting Goals Despite Lung Cancer

"Beyond that to-do list of the mundane, the business matters, and the bucket list is the realization that our time is finite. The imbalance between the swollen list of things that we want to do and the limited time and energy available to do them all can be paralyzing. Where do we even start?"


Please support the EGFR Resisters Research Fund!

To help improve outcomes for people like me with EGFR mutated lung cancer, please donate to the EGFR Resisters' Research Fund. All donations are tax deductible and are in a restricted fund with the Bonnie Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, a four-star rated charity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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