Preparing Real Good for Free (with apologies to Joni Mitchell)
I'm preparing income taxes for others for the first time in years, and I am loving it. At work, we are well underway with our new project of being a VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) site. January 31 was our kick-off, and since then, a co-worker and I have been doing returns every day. A third co-worker joins us next week. The IRS has provided us with booklets, guides, forms, training, and software. Our mission: to help more low-income people get refunds from earned income credit (EIC). Apparently many people eligible for this credit do not claim it. We are certainly seeing low-income people, to the tune of 5 to 6 returns per day. We do their taxes on our computers, including electronic filing. I know that many of them would have to pay fees of three digits to commercial tax prep firms for what we are providing - for free. I get to be the ERO! (That's an Electronic Return Originator.) W00t! Almost everyone I have seen so far is a special case. The population of low-income ...