Knitting Blog: The Ice Queen

I have been more persistent and consistent at my knitting endeavors. Two projects are lined up, jostling each other for blogging rights. Eenie, meanie, minie, moe... and I pick the project I finished last night at just about midnight, and wore for the first time today.

Enter: The Ice Queen.

This pattern was designed by Rosemary Hill, who is becoming a favorite designer of mine. It was published in the winter 2007 issue of, a free online knitting magazine of excellent quality. It's been a hit, with 1,277 project pages on Ravelry. First my daughter made it in a lovely gray, then she twisted my arm and made me buy the yarn to make one for myself. She also gave me the silver-lined beads needed to give the finished product the look of having been dusted with ice crystals. How could I say no?

The yarn is Kidsilk Haze from Rowan Yarns, and it's a blend of 70% super kid mohair and 30% silk. It's a premium product, and I am going to enjoy this piece. I'm also not going to rush out and buy more. My eyes itched and my nose ran while I knit this object. I won't say that I'm allergic to this yarn, but I suspect it sheds fine, irritating fibers.

It's warm. So very warm. So very pink.

My poor pashminas are wondering if they will end up languishing in my closet as I go out with the Ice Queen day after day.


  1. I'll gladly take your languishing pashminas!


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