Christmas Blogiversary

It was on a Christmas day a few years ago that I wrote my first tentative blog post. As quiet as I have been of late, I cannot let the day pass without writing a few words.

I'm two days into my longest vacation break of the year - a week and a half off. Not that this break is totally free from work-related obligation - I have to study tax law and re-certify as a VITA tax preparer to get ready for another year of volunteer tax preparing. I am not sure if I will sign up for another year. I have few other volunteers to assist this year, despite my efforts to recruit others, and don't know if I really have the time and energy to squeeze this in to my schedule over the next few months.

This is cutting in to my knitting time! And after opening packages today, I have even more yarn to transform!

I'm still basking in the glow of one of the most wonderful Christmas Eves in many years. We went to our son's house for dinner and presents with him, his girlfriend, and all four grandkids. The felted slippers fit the 16-year old who is the most recent addition to the family, the kids played with their presents, T. loved her neckwarmer, and we gave our son an Apple iPhone Developer license so he can now go to town with the apps he wants to write. This is the first Christmas Eve we have ever been able to be together as a family. I hope there are many more ahead.

We are roasting a chicken for dinner. A. studded it with slivers of garlic and sage. We'll cook the giblets as a Christmas treat for the cats. Also on the menu: a brown-wild rice blend, salad, and pumpkin cheesecake.

Now we wait to see if we will have an ice storm tomorrow. Just the threat of ice brings back memories of Ice Storm '98 when we were trapped by downed trees for 2 days, and had no electricity for 19 days. The weather forecast is becoming less alarming, so with luck, we will have less ice than originally predicted. In any event, we have lots of food and fresh gasoline for the generator, so we will be comfortable. Very, very comfortable.


  1. Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year and yes, I like my iPhone, learning all the ins and outs...what a hoot!


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