Homestead Progress: Siding

The carpentry crew has been making progress on the siding project. We have had lots of rain the past few weeks as the midwestern storms move east, so progress has been fitful. The clouds broke earlier this week long enough for me to take a walk after work, and grab some pics. I walked around the house widdershins, snapping pics of all four sides.

I will admit that we have a large house. It seems quite large these days for the two of us. Mostly it is very long, about 90 feet from one end of the house to the other. We have a public wing, to the left in this photo, that has a kitchen, dining area, living area, and office. Then there is a private wing, to the right in this photo, with three bedrooms, a bathroom, and a laundry area. The private wing has the only room on a second story, which is Robert's and my bedroom. The two wings are connected by a corridor, which is where our heating and hot water system is located. The corridor in this pic is about 1/3 of the picture width from the left, and has the window with lots of reflections.

The house has a solar orientation. This side faces south.

The front of the private wing. The large windows face south, and light two bedrooms.

This is what we are covering with the new siding. Waferboard sheathing. In this case, the sheathing is 28 years old. This side of the house faces east. The bathroom window is on the lower right.

This side of the house faces north, and has windows only in the dining room and office. Behind this wall is the laundry area.

We are adding another layer of insulation and a layer of Tyvek under the new siding.

This is a clear shot showing how the corridor connects the two parts of the house. The public wing is to the right.

The white object in the middle of the picture is a composting toilet. This was our first approach to an indoors toilet. It did not work. We can't imagine anyone wanting to buy a used composting toilet, so we put it outdoors, and use it for our kitchen waste when it is not freezing outdoors.

This is what we see when we drive up the driveway to the house. This side (or these sides) of the house faces west. The satellite dish on the right side of the pic connects us to the interweb, and connects me to Xanga.

There are lots of flaws in these pictures just as there are quite a few flaws in our house. None of them are enough to cause me to lose pleasure in the process of documenting change, or in the privilege of living in this beautiful place.


Please support the EGFR Resisters Research Fund!

To help improve outcomes for people like me with EGFR mutated lung cancer, please donate to the EGFR Resisters' Research Fund. All donations are tax deductible and are in a restricted fund with the Bonnie Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, a four-star rated charity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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