The Lego Knitting Machine

Oh, my. For those who love the geekiness that lies beneath craft, check this out:

For those needing a bit more information, this is a mechanized version of the Knitting Nancy, created with Lego robotics. What it is knitting is a tube made of four stitches.

I have lots to blog about, and I'm happy to find this to keep this space active while I am busy resizing pics of sailing and a felted hat.


Please support the EGFR Resisters Research Fund!

To help improve outcomes for people like me with EGFR mutated lung cancer, please donate to the EGFR Resisters' Research Fund. All donations are tax deductible and are in a restricted fund with the Bonnie Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, a four-star rated charity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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