The Periodic Table of Videos

I ran into this in the GeekCraft group on Ravelry. I sent the link to my father, who is a retired research chemist. He sent back one word: "FABULOUS". Check out The Periodic Table of Videos.

This is just a jpg, so none of the links are live. Here is the trailer:

Check out the passion of the chemists involved! These people love what they are doing with their lives. Blowing things up certainly seems to be a major perk.

This to me is a perfect example of the promise of tech realized. Any student of chemistry is likely to find these videos to be powerful learning tools.

I shared this link with my daughter, too, because she is adding a chemistry minor to her honors math major. I don't know if she has looked at any of the vids yet, though. I'm not going to prod, but I hope she checks it out. I'm keeping the page up for a while on my comp, and will peruse the vids when I have a few moments to spare. When you have chemists in the family, anything that helps you understand their knowledge and passion is a good thing.


Please support the EGFR Resisters Research Fund!

To help improve outcomes for people like me with EGFR mutated lung cancer, please donate to the EGFR Resisters' Research Fund. All donations are tax deductible and are in a restricted fund with the Bonnie Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, a four-star rated charity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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