Sailing between the raindrops, part 2

After much rain during the night, we woke up in Kingston in the morning to a mixed sky - blue with patches of dark gray clouds. We walked over to Pan Chancho to buy goodies for breakfast and lunch. This is my favorite bakery of all time. No low-carb diet for me, not when I can get fig and anise bread.

We would be sailing with the wind as we headed back to Clayton, and we had all gotten enough sun the day before, so we decided to leave the sunshade up, and sail under headsail alone. As we headed out, there was ominous grayness behind us.

We were sailing flat, so Q came up to enjoy the air and the view. She's a good member of the crew. She will even take the wheel and help with the lines.


More Q shots:

Here she admires our iHome-2-Go, which was our Christmas present to the boat for this season. It's great - puts out lots of music, and has wonderful non-slip feet. With three iPods on board, plus an iPhone, we never ran out of music, or tech.

Lunch was some of that fig and anise bread, with fennel-maple cream cheese.

We were lucky enough to encounter a dream boat as well. This ketch looks like a sweet sail. We would have had a lot more canvas out if we had been on board. We are close to our home port - two of the three hills of Clayton are in the background.

We did beat the raindrops on the return voyage as well. After pulling into the slip, we packed up and headed home. Tomorrow would be just another work day. On the way home, we drove by a favorite art spot. Someone installed three large crow sculptures in a field outside of Clayton. I've been trying to photograph them, but it's hard when you are zipping past on I-81. Here is my best effort so far. Two of the crows are visible. They are huge - many feet tall. I'll keep trying to get a photograph that does them justice.

It was a quiet but happy trip home. We're hoping to get another trip or two in before sailing season ends. Here's hoping the water levels stay up in the river. All the rain has been good for that, at least.


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To help improve outcomes for people like me with EGFR mutated lung cancer, please donate to the EGFR Resisters' Research Fund. All donations are tax deductible and are in a restricted fund with the Bonnie Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, a four-star rated charity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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