Snow Storm!

The past 24+ hours have been interesting.

Yesterday morning I was on the way to drop the car off for its annual inspection when I actually listened to the weather forecast. 6-10 inches of snow starting in the afternoon. Holy crud. When I pulled into the shop, I added "install snow tires" to the to-do list. (Our auto shop stores our snow tires for us at no charge, one reason why you would have to drag me over hot coals before I took my car anywhere else when it needs repairs.)

That was the best call of the day.

During the afternoon, the snow began to fall. I'd had a late start, so I worked late to make up my time. Not the best decision. By the time I headed home, there was about 4 inches of heavy, wet snow on the roads, and more snow was coming down fast. It was 19 miles of 25 miles per hour in third gear. As I drove past an oncoming car, the slush it threw up sounded like rocks as it hit the side of my car. Once I got across the bridge in Russell, I had to pick which hill I was going to go up - the endlessly long one, or the shorter one with two nasty turns. Hoping that the town plows had been out, I picked the long hill. Maybe not the best choice, because there was a lot of snow on the road. I made it, though - and I made it up our unplowed driveway, although I had to drive through a couple of small trees bent over across the road.

Robert had actually gone out in that mess to a meeting, and he came home not too long after me. He found out yesterday that he needed to go to NYC today, and he needed help with arrangements. I found a hotel room for him - at less than half the price of the room he stayed in a month ago. Seems like it might be a good time to visit the Big Apple, there might be some deals as the economy weakens. He was in the middle of making the plane and train reservations when the lights went out. Rats! We knew it was quite possible we'd lose power with so much snow clinging to the trees, but we were still taken by surprise. I cobbled together a supper, and Robert got the kerosene lamp going. After eating, there wasn't much to do except go to bed. I read about plants by lantern light.

After two nights in a row of a decent amount of sleep, I felt almost human when I woke up today.

We scrambled to pull things together this morning in a cool, dark house. We left together. I was definitely the bag lady, with computer backpack, exercise clothes, purse, and peanut butter sandwich in tow. A friend came by to plow us out, but it was more like rearranging slush than removing snow, and it was hairy getting out of the driveway. After we got to work, Robert used my laptop to finish making arrangements. He had hoped to fly to Albany, but the flights were canceled. D-oh. That meant he had to drive, which meant he had to leave immediately to get his train to NYC on time. Then I used my laptop to finish my grad course assignment which was due today. I didn't trust that the power would be on when I got home.

After work, I went to Jazzercise class, then headed home. The roads were much easier to drive on than last night, and power was on all the way home. When I pulled up the last hill, the red fuse was glowing on top of the power pole, a very promising site. The other homes on our spur were lit up. As was our house when I pulled around the bend of the driveway. All the lights that were on when the power went out last night were still on. A glorious sight - I was dreading a cold, dark night alone in the house.

I've brushed the snow off of the satellite dishes, and I'm reconnected with the world. Twitter, blogs, IM with my daughter - I don't feel alone. And now it's off to do the dishes and read a case study.


Please support the EGFR Resisters Research Fund!

To help improve outcomes for people like me with EGFR mutated lung cancer, please donate to the EGFR Resisters' Research Fund. All donations are tax deductible and are in a restricted fund with the Bonnie Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, a four-star rated charity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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