Earth Hour with the Grandchildren

It was a full weekend, with 24 hours devoted to our grandkids. We all had a great time together. We visited a maple sugaring farm, and ate french toast with maple syrup (and maple sugar candies, the classic ones that look like little maple leaves). The snow was hard and crusty, and we walked way out on the beaver pond. (Bet we won't be able to do that next weekend.) And we celebrated Earth Hour.

We turned off the lights and the refrigerator, unplugged the laptops, and played a board game by lantern and candlelight. And we talked about how some people have no more light than we had. How we are lucky to live in a place where life is peaceful, and there is lots of water. About what carbon dioxide is, what it does, and that their generation may see some big changes - and may create new ways to do things.

Then the lights went back on, and they rushed into the living room to watch a few minutes of Nickelodeon. All was well in their world after that.

The oldest understood that this was happening all over the world, and liked being a part of it, too. The middle child felt nervous about it. The youngest just had fun.

Hopefully I will be able to publish some pics showing walking on the pond later this week. We saw tracks, and climbed some huge rocks. It was the best part of the weekend for everyone.


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To help improve outcomes for people like me with EGFR mutated lung cancer, please donate to the EGFR Resisters' Research Fund. All donations are tax deductible and are in a restricted fund with the Bonnie Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, a four-star rated charity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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