Hodge Podge with Al Gore Link

Just a few quick notes...

We were walking on the ice on our beaver pond just 9 days ago. Now, the season has turned and spring is here. Irises and day lilies are starting to poke up in the gardens. The ice on the driveway is gone, and the mud is drying. There is still some ice on the pond, but areas of water are opening up.

Monday, as I walked along the pond on the town road, two geese flew right over me and landed on the pond with a great amount of honking, wing beating, and splashing. To me, it looked like they were saying, "Honey, we're HOME!"

Tuesday, we had wonderful news. Our daughter Ana has been accepted by a summer math research program - the SUNY Potsdam-Clarkson REU program. She will make good money for two months of work and learning in applied graph theory, which is the area she is thinking might become her specialty. She will have some time off before and after the program, we'll be able to go sailing, and this will look fantastic on her resume.

I played a gig with the band Tuesday night. Robert had a meeting, so we were a foursome; fortunately Maggie also plays bass, so she took Robert's usual place tonight. We played at the psychiatric hospital, which always is an interesting venue. Tonight one person sort of sang along loudly, though it was his own songs he was singing. We don't consider that a disruption, though - the whole point is to let these folks have a chance to respond to something from outside. It's a good experience for us to keep on going. A couple of our new songs are starting to pull together. A couple put chills down my back: "Moonshiner" and "Dream of a Miner's Child". We have some wonderful minor/modal harmonies on both of these tunes.

Something I ran across: Al Gore's newest slideshow. You can find it at TED. The title of the talk is How dare we be optimistic, and it is about 30 minutes long.

And off to bed I go. I think I can sleep tonight. It was a good day.


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To help improve outcomes for people like me with EGFR mutated lung cancer, please donate to the EGFR Resisters' Research Fund. All donations are tax deductible and are in a restricted fund with the Bonnie Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, a four-star rated charity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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