Walking on Not-So-Thin Ice

This past weekend the snow conditions were unusual and marvelous. There was a hard, thick crust on the snow, strong enough to support an adult's weight. Walking in the woods was easier than it is when the snow is gone and the earth has dried. And the ice on the beaver pond was still thick enough to walk on.

There are whole winters that go by that never once have snow conditions so perfect for a walk-about.

We took a walk with our grandkids both Saturday and Sunday. There was a cold wind Saturday, so the walk was short. Sunday was sunny and much warmer, and we ventured further. I made sure to take my camera this time.

At the edge of the adventure:

And we're off!

Oh, yes - kids with sticks!

There were lots of tracks - some made by us, some by others who had come before us.

Approaching the beaver lodge. This fine home was on the property when we bought it 30 years ago. Most of the pond is very shallow, but the water is much deeper here where the beavers live. At this point, Robert started to hear cracking noises under his feet as he moved closer to the lodge. This was as close as we went.

Proof that I was along on the trip as well. (Of course, if I wasn't, who was taking all the other pics?) I have no idea why the grandkids are keeping their distance, except that they generally formed their own separate pack for the whole walk. I use the walking sticks whenever I go out for more than a very short stroll. I have a mild case of MS and while I don't look it, I don't have as much stamina as I would have with a fully intact nervous system. The sticks help a lot.

Headed off the pond for another adventure.

And here it is - a huge rock outcropping on state land, across the road from our land.

Woo hoo! Made it to the top! Robert suggested that I not make the climb, and that was a good idea. I was limping by the time we got home as it was.


Please support the EGFR Resisters Research Fund!

To help improve outcomes for people like me with EGFR mutated lung cancer, please donate to the EGFR Resisters' Research Fund. All donations are tax deductible and are in a restricted fund with the Bonnie Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, a four-star rated charity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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